You complete this objective only towards the end of the mission, i.e. You can either go there immediately, or determine his whereabouts first (1st secondary objective). PRIMARY (1/1): Extracted Kazuhira Miller - he has been imprisoned in one of the buildings of the Da Ghwandai Khar village, in the Eastern part of the mission area.

to extract men and equipment using balloons). It is a good idea to leave that until you have unlocked the option to fulton them (i.e. While completing this mission for the first time, ignore the side mission of extracting the barracks commander and the truck driver. Although completing the main objective is not that time-consuming, time spend with the mission may be extended, due to the side missions and a more in-depth exploration of the area. The first one of the Metal Gear Solid V's missions is relatively long and you can spend, as long as, over an hour on completing it.